Listen carefully

imbibe truthfulness

wanderers pace to and fro

early smiles humble

well-disposed is the path

to adequate perception

Understanding and believing are not the same thing.” Gertrude Stein

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33 responses to “Listen carefully”

  1. Lovely and profound poem.


    1. Thank you, Sadje! ❣️


      1. You’re welcome


  2. Truthfulness is definitely the key to the universe! 💖


    1. It definitely is and thank you, Colleen. 💖


  3. Eugi, what theme are you using? Not many of the themes have comment likes anymore. I think it’s frustrating! The only way you can like a comment is through the reader!


    1. I am using Tenku. I switched back to the orignial sharing buttons, including the ‘like’ button. Many of my followers informed me they couldm’t leave a ‘like’. I’m not sure if it works yet since I switched not too long ago.


      1. I was able to go into Tools/marketing (on /sharing buttons and add the like even though it says it’s a legacy feature. WP is really pushing it for engagement. Why have a blog if we have to read, and add likes to comments through the reader? On Tanka Tuesday on the creator plan, I don’t have that option. I would have to get a plugin. If they take this away, we all need to send them emails! We shouldn’t have to lose those connections.


      2. I did he same thing by adding the ‘like’ button and the sharing buttons and that’s when my followers couldn’t leave a like. Now, one of my followers said they can leave a ‘like’. It’s confusing and frustrating.


      3. It doesn’t work on the creator plan. You have to get a plugin for comment likes. I researched this yesterday. The comment likes still work on the plan below (Explorer, the old premium plan). That is what is frustrating!


      4. I get it now, what a mess WP has made. I wonder if they will be changing the Explorer plan, as well.


      5. I think this is a step toward getting rid of the “legacy features and legacy-classic themes.” I could be wrong, but if they make the comment likes something only found on the Creator plan, they make a ton more money!!


    1. Thank you, Susi! 💗


      1. You are so very welcome, Eugenia! ❤


  4. Loved the quote and really enjoyed the poem 😊


    1. Thank you so much, Pooja! 💗


      1. You’re very welcome! ☺️


  5. Nice poem. XO


    1. Thank you, Ellen.


  6. Reality is a two edge sword… neither side seems to meet, but both are sharp.
    I was reading the WP issue comments… WP has messed up so much. I no longer get notifications in my email for just likes… which is OK, but I also don’t get notifications of comments to comments on other blogs… on certain (or all – I can’t remember).

    I don’t bother with the Reader. I never have. I think that whole thing was a waste of space. I don’t need WP telling me what I might like (they used to do that).


    1. The WP comment situation is a mess and confusing. I didn’t used to bother with the reader but now I need it to find blogs I like.


      1. I’ve got a favorites list… and then I try and respond to comments (in my email box and the notification in the dashboard). Because I do not follow all that many blogs. My mailbox would explode!


      2. I follow too many blogs, mainly because of my weekly prompt. It’s become difficult to comment because of the changes. I receive new posts via email but not comments.


      3. WP just doesn’t know when to stop mucking up. I’ve mentioned before that if ‘They’ ever try and kick me out…(out of how I operate) I ain’t coming back. Which is why I won’t mess with switching themes.


      4. Even if you don’t mess with switching themes, WP will still muck you up. I try to go with the flow but I have my limits.


      5. I just got one of those little “Thanks for so many years of ‘flying with us’…. More like being on a train that has gotten derailed that it no longer knows which direction it should be going….


      6. I hear ya! I got a chuckle from your comment.


  7. Your words are beautiful and profound, Eugi, and I love the quote too! 🩷


    1. Thank you, Lauren.


  8. Absolutely marvelous with a great quote which is so true. Thanks, Eugi.


I welcome your comments! ❣️

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A gander at me –

I enjoyed a dedicated career in the insurance industry for over 20 years being rewarded professionally and personally. Now retired, I am following my dreams and enjoy family, travel, writing, and promotion of others. Welcome to Moonwashed Musings

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